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Just saw a quick highlight of the GOP Party Platform and it makes me wonder if they let Rush Limbaugh and Glenn Beck in the room. Now I know no one really pays attention to the party platforms, but this one is ridiculous. This is not the party of Lincoln, not the party of Ike and I doubt Ronald Reagan would even recognize the Taliban style Conservatism in this platform. From removing what they believe is a failed social experiment of Women in front line combat positions to forcing Women to carry pregnancies to full term even in the case of rape or incest. If ever there was a sign that the Republican Party that we once knew no longer exists. In my opinion, if people are dumb enough to vote these Pharisees into office they deserve everything they get from this bankrupt ideology.

Think Progress highlights some of the all star planks from the 2012 GOP Party Platform  http://thinkprogress.org/election/2012/08/22/723241/gop-approves-most-conservative-platform-in-modern-history/