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With three days to go until the election, I have seen quite a few intriguing campaign signs float up around Skippack, Lansdale, Towamencin and Montgomery Twp. My absolute favorite are from the Let Freedom Ring PAC, just another name of one of the astroturfed American for Prosperity/Koch Brother fronts.

“Defend Freedom Defeat Obama”, or “Casey Kills Jobs”, or “Obama, Stagnation and Blaming Others (including you) Romney, Growth and Integrity”

When I see these signs, I can’t help but chuckle. I mean freedom is a mere talking point for the Tea Party groups behind these PAC’s and Candidates, but I must agree let’s let freedom ring.

Let’s let freedom ring for same sex couples who wish to marry and not let our “Freedom” crowd restrict that freedom. How bout we Let Freedom Ring for women who seek reproductive freedoms. You know access to contraceptives that your employer is not free to restrict, access to mammograms and other preventive screenings for those women who can’t afford them and the freedom to decide whether to carry a pregnancy to term. At least when the pregnancy was caused by incest, rape or the life of the mother is in jeopardy.

We can further Let Freedom Ring by making investments in education. You know so our children are free to think and free to pursue their dreams. Another freedom we can let ring is the freedom for workers to organize, I mean if capital can organize why can’t those who work to put that capital into action.

We can even Let Freedom Ring for women who are tired of making 78 cents on the dollar to men. And while we are talking about Freedom, how bout we Let Freedom Ring for those dreamers who were brought to this country by their parents and love this Nation as much as you and I.

You see the very idea of freedom is just a myth to our freedom friends in the Tea Party. I guess when we hear Conservatives talk about freedoms these days we can always think of the Karl Rove strategy. Make our weaknesses look like theirs and their strengths look like ours. So if we want to truly let freedom ring, how about we reelect President Barack Obama, Senator Bob Casey and other Democrats/Progressives who will fight for everyone’s freedom, not just their own self interest.